Fall 2019 Courses

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PSCI/INTR 101 Introduction to Comparative Politics
Bonnie M. Meguid
Fall 2019 — MWF 10:25 - 11:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course is an introduction to the study of domestic political institutions, processes, and outcomes across and within countries. The course surveys key concepts and major theoretical contributions in the field of comparative politics, including the challenges for democratization and democratic consolidation, the possibility of revolution, how countries vary in their political and electoral institutions and why these variations matter, and the power of social forces such as ethnicity, culture, and social capital. Country cases are drawn from different regions of the world and historical periods to ground students in the set of tools of comparative analysis.

PSCI/INTR 106 Introduction to International Relations
Hein Goemans
Fall 2019 — MWF 14:00 - 14:50
Display Tracks: New or Old

International relations is the study of how states interact with each other. This course builds a working knowledge of our field, introducing the background, theoretical, and empirical tools necessary to understand international relations today. Students will learn about important findings in a variety of subfields, including war, international political economy, institutions, and nuclear proliferation. To do so, the course emphasizes readings from original research material rather than from a textbook. Further, students will solve problem sets and work with common international relations datasets to obtain a working understanding of the discipline's methodological foundations.

PSCI 107 Introduction to Positive Political Theory
Fall 2019 — TR 15:25 - 16:40
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This course introduces students to positive political theory, a rigorous set of tools that helps clarify key questions in political science. Through examples drawn from all aspects of politics (from elections to protest movements to wars) as well as from everyday life (Why is housing so expensive? Why don't cities prepare for natural disasters?), we will study how the rules of the game affect the decisions citizens and politicians make as well as the policy outcomes we observe. NOTE: YOU MUST SIGN UP FOR A RECITATION WHEN REGISTERING FOR THIS COURSE.

PSCI 200 Data Analysis I
Sergio Montero
Fall 2019 — MW 14:00 - 15:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

Data analysis has become a key part of many fields including politics, business, law, and public policy. This course covers the fundamentals of data analysis, giving students the necessary statistical skills to understand and critically analyze contemporary political, legal, and policy puzzles. Lectures will focus on the theory and practice of quantitative analysis, and lab sessions will guide students through the particulars of statistical software. Core topics include descriptive statistics, probability, hypothesis testing, and linear regression. RESTRICTION: Students who have taken ECON 230, PSCI 205, PSY/CSP 211, STAT 212, STAT 213, or STAT 214 may not take the course. Must have laptop on which you can run R and R Studio.

PSCI 202W Argument in Political Science
Gerald Gamm
Fall 2019 ("W" Required) — MWF 10:25 - 11:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

Students generally take PSC 202 in their sophomore year, but the course is also open to juniors and seniors. The course introduces students to the questions, concepts, and analytical approaches of political scientists and emphasizes careful reading and analytical writing. This version of the course focuses on the tension between majority rule and minority rights in the American political tradition. Topics include tyranny of the majority, slavery, civic engagement, political parties, women's rights, racism, economic and political inequality, legislative organization, and representation. Readings are drawn from classic texts in American thought—the Declaration of Independence, "The Federalist," Tocqueville's "Democracy in America," the Gettysburg Address—as well as from books and articles written by contemporary political scientists. Note: In this academic year, PSC 202 will only be offered in the fall semester. It will NOT be offered in the spring.

INTR 205 Global Sustainable Development
Milena Novy-Marx
Fall 2019 — R 14:00 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

With world population of nearly 8 billion and global GDP of $70 trillion, human impacts on the environment have already reached dangerous levels. By 2050, world population could reach 9 billion and global GDP $250 trillion. Despite unprecedented growth in countries such as China and India, over 1 billion people still live in extreme poverty-mostly in South Asia and Africa. The central challenge for humanity in the 21st century is how to address the triple issue of ending extreme poverty, improving social inclusion, and achieving sustainability for the planet. The 13 weeks of the course include a significant practical element. Students will work in small groups for a partner organization (a business or non-profit) involved in this topic to complete a project that helps achieve the organization's mission and contributes to sustainable development. Enrollment in the course is limited and will be subject to the professor's review.

PSCI 211 Conspiracy Theories in American Politics
Mary A. Kroeger
Fall 2019 — TR 14:00 - 15:15
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Conspiracy theories are becoming an organizing principle in American politics. This course will explore the history and trends of conspiracy theories, the psychological and strategic underpinnings of persuasion in these theories and misinformation, and the political implications of current conspiracy theories. In order to understand the use (or misuse) of evidence and logic in conspiracy theories, several weeks will be dedicated to extended examples. These conspiracy theories are polarized and polarizing, a unit of the course will discuss political science research on polarization and place conspiracy theories within this trend. Assignments for the course include writing an individual short paper and group presentation on a conspiracy theory that applies the concepts in class. Readings include classics (e.g., Hofstadters The Paranoid Style in American Politics) and contemporary academic articles and books (e.g., Knights Conspiracy Nation: The Politics of Paranoia.

PSCI 212 The United States Supreme Court: The Constitution at a Crossroads
Fall 2019 — MW 14:00 - 15:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

Constitutional law cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court and their impact on the evolution of the Court, the balance of powers among the three governmental branches, relations between the federal government and the states, and individual express and implied rights.

PSCI 219 Congress as an Institution
Dan Alexander, Gerald Gamm
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — T 12:30 - 15:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

This seminar provides students with the necessary historical background and methodological tools to conduct original research on the US Congress. We will examine the basic institutions of the House and Senate - committees, parties, leaders, and rules-with an interest in how these institutions have changed over time. The course emphasizes how Congress provides structure that scholars must embrace (and from which they may often benefit) when applying the more abstract concepts and techniques of political economy. This course is designed for PhD students, but is open, with permission of the instructors, to advanced undergraduates.

INTR 221 European Nationalism
Marcin Jarzabek
Fall 2019 — TR 15:25 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

Main aim of the course is to give a basic of the relationship between "identity" and "nationalism" in its historical development since late 18th century. Focusing especially on the modern Central Europe (territories of former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and Austro-Hungarian Empire) class will deal with fundamental concepts of a nation and nationalism. Using different approaches and theories (modernism, ethno-symbolism, ethnic and civic nationalism), it aims at applying them to both historical and contemporary reality. Beginning with pre-modern forms of national identity ("noble nation"), the course will focus on the processes of formation modern nations in Central Europe and their consequences for the history of the region in 20th century. The class could have a mixed-form of a seminar and lecture, with students' presentations on selected topic and readings, and discussions on theoretical and historical issues.

PSCI 223 Constitutional Structure and Rights
Thomas H. Jackson
Fall 2019 — MW 11:50 - 13:05
Display Tracks: New or Old

Through the lens of the Constitution and Supreme Court cases, examines the structure of the American legal system (both separation of powers at the federal level and the authority of, and relationship among, states and the federal government), as well as the nature of civil rights of citizens.

PSCI 225 Cultural Politics of Prison Towns
Joshua Dubler, Kristin Doughty
Fall 2019 — M 14:00 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

Rochester sits in one of the worlds most explicitly carceral landscapes, with more than a dozen state prisons within a 90 min drive. This co-taught course is a collaborative ethnographic research project designed to examine how the presence of prisons in towns around Rochester reflects and shapes the political, economic, and cultural lives of those who live in the region. Students will be introduced to methods and practices of ethnography and conduct firsthand research on the cultural politics of prison towns. Through assigned reading, students will learn about the history, sociology, and cultural logics of Rochester and the wider region, and of mass incarceration. What does a prison mean for a person living near one? How does the presence of prisons shape peoples notions of justice, citizenship, and punishment? How do these nearby but largely invisible institutions shape the ways that we live in Rochester? Recommended prior courses: Being Human: Cultural Anthropology or Incarceration Nation.

PHLT 232 Environmental Health Policy
Fall 2019 — TR 12:30 - 13:45
Display Tracks: New or Old

Public health professionals, researchers, government agencies, and community groups recognize that the physical environment has significant impacts on health equity but often lack the policy skills, concepts, and experiences needed to effect change. This advanced course takes a problem-based approach to environmental health policy.

PSCI 233W Innovation in Public Service
Stuart Jordan
Fall 2019 ("W" Required) — MW 9:00 - 10:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

Is politics anything more than a series of televised shouting matches? Yes, but much of what matters isn't televised. While politicians in Washington and state capitals make speeches for the cameras, hundreds of thousands of public servants work everyday outside of the limelight to determine the quality of government's essential services -- including policing, emergency services, education, and public health. This course exposes students to the problems faced and solutions invented by leaders of the Rochester area's public service agencies. By interacting directly with these leaders and the "street-level bureaucrats" who implement government policy, students will learn how to grapple with the practical problems of governance.

PSCI 234W The Past and Future of Our Financial System
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — T 17:00 - 19:30
Display Tracks: New or Old

Financial Regulation will address the 2007-2009 near complete meltdown of the United States system of finance during which unemployment soared, debt markets ceased to operate and stock markets crashed. How was this possible in the most sophisticated system of financial regulation ever developed which had not seen a comparable breakdown since 1929-1933? The seminar will seek to address this question by studying the history and structure of banking, securities, insurance and housing regulation and then asking whether the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010 was a sufficient response. If not, what is a wiser approach? Opportunities to write seminar papers are open for all students.

PSCI 236 Health Care and the Law
Molly McNulty
Fall 2019 — MW 18:15 - 19:30
Display Tracks: New or Old

An introduction to the legal foundations of the biomedical healthcare system; topics include national health reform, bioethics, the right to health care, genetic discrimination, and access to reproductive care. Primary law (judicial opinions, legislation) comprises the bulk of the reading assignments; students will learn how to brief cases and interpret statutes.

PSCI 243 Environmental Politics
Lawrence Rothenberg
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — TR 9:40 - 10:55
Display Tracks: New or Old

An examination of environmental issues from a social scientific perspective. Topics covered include the reasons for environmental regulation, the history of environmental policy, the state of contemporary environmental policy, the role of state and local governments, the impact of environmental activists, and a comparison of domestic and international regulation of environmental affairs. Although there is considerable time devoted to lecture, students are encouraged to participate. Each student will also develop and briefly present a research paper which investigates a relevant issue of interest.

PSCI 246 Environmental Law and Policy
Fall 2019 — TR 15:25 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course provides a foundational understanding of U.S. environmental law, with a focus on existing federal environmental statutes and regulatory programs. Topics include the common law origins of environmental law, the historical genesis of federal regulation over human impact on the environment, the enduring role of the States in environmental regulation, along with an overview of critical federal environmental laws (such as the Clean Water Act, the Clean Air Act, and CERCLA/Superfund). Students will be introduced to how agencies implement and enforce these laws and how judicial decisions shape them. The course also touches on how and whether these decades-old laws are suited to address 21st-century challenges like climate change and environmental injustice.

PSCI 248 Discrimination
Kevin A. Clarke
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — TR 12:30 - 13:45
Display Tracks: New or Old

An examination of discrimination from a social scientific perspective. Topics covered include defining discrimination, types of discrimination under the law, testing for discrimination, discrimination experiments, and a survey of what social scientists have discovered about discrimination in the areas of policing, bail, retail sales, automobile sales, and home mortgages. Although there is considerable time devoted to lecture, students are encouraged to participate.

PSCI/INTR 250 Comparative Democratic Representation
G. Bingham Powell, Jr.
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — TR 11:05 - 12:20
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course introduces the concept and practice of political representation in contemporary democracies, focusing largely on the developed world. After discussing goals of representation, it traces representation from the values and electoral behavior of citizens through the formation of legislatures and executives to the implementation of public policies. It compares the consequences of different institutional arrangements and party systems for party and policy congruence, and considers other benefits and costs as well.

PSCI/INTR 256 Theories of Comparative Politics
G. Bingham Powell, Jr.
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — MW 9:00 - 10:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

Introduces theories in the field of comparative politics. Leads to understanding how the national and international environment, the political culture, the political institutions and the choices of citizens and leaders affect political performance. Explains democratization, stability, competition, citizen influence, and policy outcomes as consequences of the environment, culture and institutions—and human choices in these contexts.

PSCI/INTR 257 The Origins of the Modern World
Alexander Lee
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — T 16:50 - 19:30
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course is designed to give students a background in the causes and consequences of the changes in political, economic and social changes that have so profoundly altered the world over the past five centuries, and a basic knowledge of both classic and contemporary scholarly accounts of these changes. After describing political and economic conditions in the pre-modern world, it describes how a distinctively ''modern'' political economy emerged in Western Europe, how this political economy became pervasive over the rest of the world, and the long term and continuing consequences of these changes. The reading mixes classic historical and social scientific accounts. While there are no prerequisites, students should note that the course will involve an unusually high, and enforced, level of required reading.

PSCI/INTR 262 Elections in Developing Countries
Anderson Frey
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — TR 11:05 - 12:20
Display Tracks: New or Old

Examines the implications of economic globalization for domestic and international politics.

PSCI/INTR 267 Identity, Ethnicity and Nationalism
Bonnie M. Meguid
Fall 2019 — MW 14:00 - 15:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course explores the concepts of identity, ethnicity and nationalism from a comparative perspective. Drawing upon theories from political science, anthropology, sociology and economics, we will examine how identity is defined and how societies use these constructions in, among other things, nation-building, war, and party competition. Theoretical readings will be supplemented with empirical studies from developed and developing countries across different time periods.

PSCI/INTR 276 The Politics of Insurgency
Bethany Lacina
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — R 11:05 - 13:45
Display Tracks: New or Old

This seminar deals with the logic of asymmetric conflicts between states and non-state actors. We will examine the military, political, and social factors that determine when and where asymmetric warfare is likely to occur. Students will complete short weekly assignments designed to prepare for class discussion. Those enrolled in the writing-intensive version of this seminar will complete a final research paper. Students in the non-writing-intensive version of the course will be given a take-home, open-note essay test as a final exam.

PSCI/INTR 279 War and the Nation State
Hein Goemans
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — R 15:25 - 18:05
Display Tracks: New or Old

Examines the development of warfare and the growth of the state from the French Revolution to the end of the Second World War. Further examines the phenomenon of war in its broader socio-economic context, focusing on nationalism, bureaucratization, industrialization and democratization.

PSCI 284 Democratic Theory
James Johnson
Fall 2019 — MW 11:50 - 13:05
Display Tracks: New or Old

This advanced undergraduate course in political theory focuses on various topics in democratic theory such as the relation between democracy and other basic political principles (liberty, equality, justice), whether democratic institutions should best be aggregative or deliberative, and the role of referenda, lotteries and new telecommunications technology in democratic decision-making. Readings are drawn from both advocates and critics of democratic politics and will encompass historical and contemporary theorists. The class format will combine lecture and discussion.

PSCI 288 Game Theory
Paulo Barelli
Fall 2019 — TR 9:40 - 10:55
Display Tracks: New or Old

Game theory is a systematic study of strategic situations. It is a theory that helps us analyze economic and political strategic issues, such as behavior of individuals in a group, competition among firms in a market, platform choices of political candidates, and so on. We will develop the basic concepts and results of game theory, including simultaneous and sequential move games, repeated games and games with incomplete information. The objective of the course is to enable the student to analyze strategic situations on his/her own. The emphasis of the course is on theoretical aspects of strategic behavior, so familiarity with mathematical formalism is desirable.

PSCI 291 First Amendment and Religion
Thomas H. Jackson
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — T 14:00 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

The Constitution helps define, as it perhaps reflects, American society. In this scheme, religion has a special role. It, arguably uniquely, is given both Constitutional protection (free exercise) as well as Constitutional limitation (no establishment). Religion's placement in the Bill of Rights (as a part of the First Amendment) suggests its importance (both in protection and in limitation) to the founders, and religion's role in society today remains important and controversial. This course examines the historical forces that led to the adoption of the religion clauses of the First Amendment, the subsequent development of those clauses (importantly through the close reading of key Supreme Court opinions), and religion's role in modern American society.

PSCI 304 Urban Crime and Justice
Craig Doran
Fall 2019 — R 18:15 - 20:55
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course offers a unique opportunity for students to engage critically with justice in courthouses in local communities. Students will participate in hands-on experiential work in a selected area of focus at the Monroe County Courthouse in Rochester. Areas of focus to choose from include adult criminal justice, juvenile justice, treatment courts, domestic violence court, court-community partnerships, or equity disparities in the court. Weekly class meetings include university faculty and Judge Craig Doran, Chief Supervising Judge of all courts in the region, who share their perspectives, research, and experience on the matters addressed by students at the courthouse. This provides students with immediate immersion in both the theoretical and practical applications of justice in society. This course requires students spend 6 hours per week at the Monroe County Courts at the Hall of Justice in Rochester.

PSCI/INTR 389W Senior Honors Seminar
Scott Abramson
Fall 2019 ("W" Required) — R 14:00 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

Through reading and critiquing political science research in American politics, comparative politics, and international relations, students learn how to select a research question, formulate testable hypotheses, find and evaluate relevant literature, locate or collect data that addresses their research question, analyze the data, and write a research report. Course requires instructor's permission.

PSCI 394 Local Law and Politics Internships
Lynda W. Powell
Fall 2019
Display Tracks: New or Old

Students in the Local Law and Politics Internships work 10-15 hours per week in one of a variety of internships in policy, politics and law in the Rochester area. Possible internship placements include the district offices of state and federal legislators, the City of Rochester municipal government, policy research and advocacy organizations, and the Monroe County District Attorney's and Public Defender's offices. Students supplement their hands-on learning with a series of short research-based writing assignments related to their internships. Contact professor Stu Jordan to learn how to apply. Students must have a B average and must be a sophomore, junior or senior to be eligible.

PSCI/INTR 394A European Political Internship
Lynda W. Powell
Fall 2019
Display Tracks: New or Old

Internships are available for students in Edinburgh, London, Brussels, Bonn, Berlin and Madrid. Internships are in English in Edinburgh, London, and Brussels: students need proficiency in the language for the latter four placements. For applications and information, students should contact the Study Abroad Office in Dewey Hall 2147. Please contact Professor Stu Jordan for more information.

PSCI/INTR 394C Washington Semester Internship
Lynda W. Powell
Fall 2019
Display Tracks: New or Old

Please contact Professor Stu Jordan for more information.

PSCI 399 Washington Semester
Lynda W. Powell
Fall 2019
Display Tracks: New or Old

These internships provide an opportunity to learn experientially one or more of the following: how government functions; how public policies are created, adopted and implemented; and how political campaigns work. Students intern in Congress, the executive branch, party campaign committees, and lobbying and advocacy groups. Please contact Professor Stu Jordan for more information.

PSCI 404 Quantitative Methods 1
Kevin A. Clarke
Fall 2019 — TR 15:25 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course in mathematical statistics provides graduate students in political science with a solid foundation in probability and statistical inference. The focus of the course is on the empirical modeling of non-experimental data. While substantive political science will never be far from our minds, our primary goal is to acquire the tools necessary for success in the rest of the econometric sequence. As such, this course serves as a prerequisite for the advanced political science graduate courses in statistical methods (PSC 405, 505, and 506).

Prerequisites: Undergraduates must obtain the instructor's (or a Political Science advisor's) permission to take this course. Students must have taken a sequence in calculus and have attended the Political Science two-week Math Bootcamp. The Math Bootcamp may be waived in rare cases where a student has already taken courses in multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and probability.

PSCI 407 Mathematical Modeling
John Duggan
Fall 2019 — MW 10:00 - 12:00
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course is the first half of a two-course sequence consisting of PSC 407 and PSC 408. The goal of the sequence is to give a rigorous introduction to the main concepts and results in positive political theory. At the same time, we will teach you the mathematical tools necessary to understand these results, to use them and (if it suits you) to surpass them in your own research in political science. The course will emphasize rigorous logical and deductive reasoning - this skill will prove valuable, even to the student primarily interested in empirical analysis rather than modeling. The sequence is designed to be both a rigorous foundation for students planning on taking further courses in the positive political theory field and a self-contained overview of the field for students who do not intend to do additional coursework in the field.

Prerequisites: Undergraduates must obtain the instructor's (or a Political Science advisor's) permission to take this course. Students must have taken a sequence in calculus and have attended the Political Science two-week Math Bootcamp. The Math Bootcamp may be waived in rare cases where a student has already taken courses in multivariable calculus, linear algebra, and probability.

PSCI 505 Quantitative Methods 3
Curtis S. Signorino
Fall 2019 — MW 10:30 - 12:00
Display Tracks: New or Old

The classical linear regression model is inappropriate for many of the most interesting problems in political science. This course builds upon the analytical foundations of PSC 404 and 405, taking the latter's emphasis on the classical linear model as its point of departure. Here students will learn methods to analyze models and data for event counts, durations, censoring, truncation, selection, multinomial ordered/unordered categories, strategic choices, spatial voting models, and time series. A major goal of the course will be to teach students how to develop new models and techniques for analyzing issues they encounter in their own research.

PSCI 507 Experiments in Political Science Research
Mayya Komisarchik
Fall 2019 — TR 9:00 - 10:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

Researchers in comparative politics, American politics, international relations, political methodology, and political theory increasingly rely on data collected from various types of experiments to answer important questions in their fields. This graduate-level class is designed to introduce students to experimental techniques and the applications of experiments in political science. Students who take this course should have completed causal inference (PSC 504). While this is primarily a seminar course, students will cover statistical material and get a hands-on introduction to programming tools for experimental research in R. This course is not specific to a particular subfield; students will get exposure to a wide range of experimental methods (lab experiments, field experiments, surveys, etc.) used across different research areas.

PSCI 519 Congress as an Institution
Dan Alexander, Gerald Gamm
Fall 2019 ("W" Optional) — T 12:30 - 15:15
Display Tracks: New or Old

This seminar provides students with the necessary historical background and methodological tools to conduct original research on the US Congress. We will examine the basic institutions of the House and Senate - committees, parties, leaders, and rules-with an interest in how these institutions have changed over time. The course emphasizes how Congress provides structure that scholars must embrace (and from which they may often benefit) when applying the more abstract concepts and techniques of political economy. This course is designed for PhD students, but is open, with permission of the instructors, to advanced undergraduates.

PSCI 564 Development and Political Economy
Gretchen Helmke, Alexander Lee
Fall 2019 — W 14:00 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course examines the politics of poor countries, classic social scientific theories of development, and empirical methods of analysis in comparative politics. Topics include clientelism, corruption, economic growth, colonialism and identity.

PSCI 566 International Relations Field Seminar I
Bethany Lacina
Fall 2019 — M 14:00 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

This is the first of two courses in the International Relations field seminar sequence. It is required of all students who will take the field exam in international relations. The course is not open to undergraduates.

PSCI 568 International Organization
Randall Stone
Fall 2019 — F 9:30 - 12:00
Display Tracks: New or Old

This is an advanced course intended for Ph.D. students. The course surveys theories of international organization, the development of formal and informal international institutions, and important recent contributions to research in the field. Course requirements include a research paper and a final exam.

PSCI 576 Graduate Research Seminar
Scott Abramson, Lawrence Rothenberg
Fall 2019 — W 15:25 - 16:40
Display Tracks: New or Old

Designed as a forum for upper-level doctoral students who have completed formal coursework to present ongoing research. Students regularly present research either stemming from their dissertations or from ancillary projects.

PSCI 584 Game Theory
Mark Fey
Fall 2019 — TR 10:30 - 12:00
Display Tracks: New or Old

This course is the third semester of the formal theory sequence for graduate students. It focuses on teaching students more sophisticated tools for modeling more complex games. Specifically, the course concentrates on games of incomplete information such as signaling games and communication games and develops analytical tools such as Bayesian-Nash equilibrium, perfect Bayesian equilibrium, and equilibrium refinements. The course also covers repeated games, bargaining games and equilibrium existence in a rigorous fashion. The prerequisites for the course are PSC 407 and 408, or an equivalent background in complete information game theory. Grading is based on homework assignments and a midterm and final exam.

PSCI 585 Dynamic Models: Structure, Computation and Estimation
Tasos Kalandrakis, Sergio Montero
Fall 2019 — TR 13:30 - 15:00
Display Tracks: New or Old

Dynamic considerations are becoming increasingly important in the study of such political processes as stability of international systems, the conduct of war, legislative policy making, regime change, and the impact of political variables on economic growth and industry dynamics. We provide theoretical and computational tools for the study of such applications. The course covers the basics of dynamic programming and general dynamic games and the main results on Markov chains. The main focus is the study of stochastic games with an emphasis on numerical analysis of simple (i.e., finite) models illustrated in a number of applications. The goal of the course is to equip graduate students with analytical and numerical tools that can be used in their future research on applied topics. Some familiarity with a programming language (such as Matlab or R) is a plus, but the dedicated student should be able to acquire basic programming skills needed for the course.