Primary Faculty

Abtahian, Maya Ravindranath
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Director of Graduate Studies in Linguistics
Co-Director of Grammar and Variation Lab
- Office Location
- 514 Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Sociolinguistics; Language variation and change; Language contact; Language shift

Asudeh, Ash
Professor of Linguistics
- Office Location
- 506 Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Syntax; Semantics; Pragmatics; Logic, Language, and Computation; Cognitive Science

Carlson, Greg
Professor Emeritus of Linguistics
Interests: Semantic Theory; Psycholinguistics; Discourse

Coburn, Jeremy
Visiting Assistant Professor
- Office Location
- 508 Lattimore Hall
Interests: African linguistics; Phonetics; Non-pulmonic consonants; Phonology; Tone; Field linguistics; Language endangerment and revitalization

Downey, C.M.
Assistant Professor of Linguistics & Data Science
- Office Location
- 507 Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Computational Linguistics; Natural Language Processing (NLP); Low-resource NLP; Language Documentation/Revitalization; Morphology; North American Languages

Grimm, Nadine
James P. Wilmot Distinguished Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Professor of Linguistics
Director of Language Documentation and Description Program
Co-Director of Grammar and Variation Lab
- Office Location
- 509 Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Language documentation and description; typology; linguistic fieldwork; African linguistics; grammatical tone; grammar writing; language and culture; language and cognition
Grimm, Scott
Associate Professor and Chair of Linguistics
Director of Quantitative Semantics Lab
- Office Location
- 512 Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Semantics; corpus-based approaches to meaning; linguistic fieldwork; African languages (specialization in Gur languages); lexicography; experimental semantics; technology for fieldwork

McDonough, Joyce M.
Richard L. Turner Professor of Linguistics
Professor of Linguistics
- Office Location
- 505 Lattimore Hall
Interests: Phonetics, phonology and morphology and their interfaces; Laboratory phonology; Dene (Athabaskan) linguistics; Neural coding of vowels (w Laurel Carney)

Moroney, Mary
Visiting Assistant Professor
- Office Location
- 511 Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Semantics; Syntax; Definiteness; Quantification; Comparatives; Southeast Asian Languages; Fieldwork

Pietraszko, Asia
Assistant Professor of Linguistics
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Director of Field Syntax Lab
- Office Location
- 510 Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Syntax and Morphology; Clausal Architecture; Bantu Morphosyntax; Selection and Complementation; Syntactic Movement and Locality

Runner, Jeffrey T.
Professor of Linguistics
Professor of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Interests: Experimental Syntax; Syntactic/Linguistic Theory; Binding Theory; Syntax Processing; Phrase Structure; Syntax/Semantics Interface

Wamsley, James C.
Visiting Assistant Professor
- Office Location
- 511 Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Semantics; Pragmatics; Definiteness; Nominal Morphology; Tibeto-Burman languages; Fieldwork

White, Aaron
Associate Professor of Linguistics
Director of Center for Language Sciences
- Office Location
- 511A Lattimore Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Computational Linguistics; Natural Language Semantics