
Students on an internship

The public health program offers numerous opportunities for real-world experience supervised by both community and faculty mentors.

Community Engagement Internship (PHLT 397W)
4 credits

This course, offered in both the fall and the spring semesters, is an opportunity available to juniors and seniors who have declared their major in public health.  

PHLT 397W gives students a mentored community project under the auspices and supervision of a University faculty member and community agency in Rochester, NY, working with an under-served population on an identified area of health promotion.

Students spend eight hours per week working at their community site. A weekly seminar led by multiple faculty members gives academic support to the internship. Admission to the course is by application only. Applications are accepted the Wednesday after fall break and the Wednesday after spring break.

Washington Semester Internship (PHLT 394C)

This opportunity is offered in conjuction with The Washington Center. For more information about the program and the application process, visit the Greene Center Washington Semester page

Admission to the course is by application only

PHLT 394C is only available during the academic year (fall and spring).

Health Department Internship (PHLT 394D)
4 credits

This course, offered in both the fall and the spring semesters, is an opportunity available to juniors and seniors who have declared their major in public health.  

PHLT 394D provides selected students with the opportunity to work with either the Monroe County Department of Public Health or the Genesee and Orleans Departments of Public Healthin a supervised and structured experience.

For fall 2024 - Only the Genesee and Orleans Departments of Public Health (GO Health) opportunity is available. GO Health is roughly 35 miles outside of Rochester, New York.

Admission to the course is by application only.

Health Policy Internship (PHLT 394F) - Beginning spring 2025
2 credits

Interns will experience health policy and program development in the Greater Rochester community, including those public policies related to the "social determinants of health" such as poverty and racism.

PHLT 394F interns will be matched by the PHLT 394F course instructor with a government or Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) involved in health policymaking. 

Admission to the course requires successful completion of PHLT 218 'Introduction to Health Policymaking' (fall semester) and is by application only.

Service Learning Internship (PHLT 394G) - Beginning fall 2024
4 credits

This course, offered in both the fall and the spring semesters, is an opportunity available to declared public health majors and public health minors.  

PHLT 394G provides the opportunity to experience "real life" public health work with a designated community agency. 

Interns may: work with collecting, entering, and analyzing data; drafting press releaes; and participating in community outreach.

Admission to the course is by application only. 

Independent Study at a Rochester Community Agency

Students can develop individual work plans with input from a faculty mentor who has a relationship with local Rochester agencies.