James Miller

Technical Associate, Fay Lab

What advice would you give to prospective students looking to study in our department?

Get involved with a lab ASAP.  By diving into the research being done here you will gain firsthand experiences that will be invaluable in figuring out what your next step will be after your time here.

What do you enjoy most about working here at the U of R?

There are a lot of experts in a large number of fields who are very excited to share their work and passions with you.

How would you describe our department and the people you work with?

I find everyone here highly enthusiastic in whatever they are involved in, be it their research, outside activities, or helping each other. It’s always with the sense of putting forth their best.

What’s the most important thing that you’ve learned working here and/or studying biology?

A good idea or the solution to a problem can come from anywhere and anyone, and it often happens when you’re not looking for it.

How do you unwind when you’re not in the lab?

I enjoy playing video games and watching movies with my family, gardening, and checking out the local parks when the weather cooperates.