
The graduate program in biology at the University of Rochester is designed to foster the development of scientists capable of doing advanced biological research. We offer a PhD and MS in biology.

Rochester’s biology program is notable for its collaborative approach, world-class faculty who share a common interest in genetic processes, and myriad research opportunities on the River Campus and at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC).

The department is a five-minute walk from the Medical Center, which houses several biomedical departments, including:

URMC is also home to the Wilmot Cancer Institute and the Center for Neural Development and Disease. The physical closeness of these groups facilitates intellectual exchange and collaboration among the graduate programs of the basic and biomedical disciplines.

CBI Training Program

Graduate students in the chemical and biological sciences at the University of Rochester have the opportunity to participate in the NIH-funded Chemistry-Biology Interface (CBI) Training Program. Thirty faculty members from six departments and programs in School of Arts and Sciences, Hajim School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, and in the School of Medicine and Dentistry serve as mentors to students participating in the program.

The overall goal of the program is to prepare predoctoral graduate students for productive and fulfilling careers in science. Activities in this program will help trainees develop skills needed in a range of careers in science, which includes scientific writing, giving effective presentations, and networking.

See the CBI website for more information.

A Safe, Welcoming and Supportive Environment for Graduate Study

r department and its graduate program are deeply committed to providing a safe, inclusive and supportive learning environment for graduate students. Our goal is to provide a first-class research and training environment in which faculty, students and staff are united by mutual respect and the love of science. To achieve this goal, a number of institutional resources have been created to address student concerns. The CARE network is a nationally recognized program that provides confidential support for addressing emotional, physical or social concerns. The program has a dedicated staff member responsible for serving graduate students in the School of Arts and Sciences and the Hajim School. The Ombudsperson Program provides a confidential and independent mechanism for addressing conflicts and concerns of PhD candidates and post-doctoral fellows.  re information regarding these and other university resources are available at this website or through the Assistant Director of Business Administration, Brenna Rybak (brenna.rybak@rochester.edu).