Spring Term Schedule
You can also view the Course Descriptions/ Course Schedules (CDCS) available via the Registrar's Office for the official schedules for the widest range of terms for which such information is available.
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
CHEM 406-1
Bradley Nilsson
W 2:00PM - 3:15PM
(2 credits) This course will survey recent developments in science at the chemistry-biology interface through directed readings of scientific literature. Effective approaches to science communication will be emphasized. Students will develop and improve communication skills through discussion sessions, a presentation, and writing a short original proposal. (Spring)
CHEM 416-2
Ellen Matson Hicks; William Brennessel
MW 9:00AM - 10:15AM
(2 Credits) Students will learn the basic principles of X-ray diffraction, crystallographic symmetry, and space groups. Each student will perform an individual single crystal diffraction experiment, which includes crystal mounting, data collection, structure solution and refinement, and evaluating and reporting crystallographic data. Regular assignments of problem sets, simple lab work, and computer tutorials are given. (Spring, 2nd half of semester.)
CHEM 422-1
Brandon Barnett
TR 6:15PM - 7:30PM
(2 credits) (formerly CHEM 423) - Mechanisms in organometallic reactions. Applications of organometallic compounds in homogeneous catalysis, polymerization, metathesis. Prerequisite: CHEM 421 (Fall Spring, 1st half of semester).
CHEM 426-1
Agnes Thorarinsdottir
TR 11:05AM - 12:20PM
"The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with the diverse and fascinating characterization techniques available today for determining the structures and properties of inorganic molecules and materials (e.g., X-ray techniques, EPR, NMR, Mössbauer, magnetic measurements). The utility and limitations of each technique will be emphasized using examples from recent chemistry literature. At the end of the course, each student should be able to identify the most favorable physical methods to analyze and properly describe a given inorganic molecule or material that they might encounter in their research projects. CHEM 211 or equivalent is recommended."
CHEM 427-1
Bradley Nilsson
TR 12:30PM - 1:45PM
(2 credits) (formerly CHM 426). The modern methods and tools employed for the determination of the structure of complex organic molecules will be discussed. Among the areas discussed are basic NMR, IR, UV and mass spectroscopy. Problem solving techniques will be illustrated and problem solving skills developed by means of problem sets and class examples. (Fall, 2nd half of semester).
CHEM 442-01
Wolf Schroeder
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
(4 credits, Fall, Spring) Chemistry 252 covers thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and chemical kinetics. These subjects provide a fundamental understanding of the behavior of matter and energy. The focus of the class is on both Thermodynamics, which is the mathematical theory of heat, gives rules describing how heat flows, and the relationship between heat and other kinds of energy, as well as on Statistical mechanics, which is the discipline that explains the nature of temperature, entropy, and provides a fundamental and microscopic explanation of thermodynamics in terms of probability and laws of statistics. The course follows the textbook “Molecular Thermodynamics” by D.A. McQuarrie and John Simon, and “Molecular Driving Force” by K.A. Dill and S. Bromberg. The course begins with the concept of Microstates and Entropy, the equal a priori probabilities assumption, the direction of approaching equilibrium as a process that maximizes the total number of microstates. It then discusses the nature of Temperature and uses heat transfer as an example to illustrate the process that maximizes the number of microstates. It continues with the derivation of the Boltzmann distribution and the physical meaning of partition function, followed by simple and concise applications of Boltzmann distribution. It then covers the factorization approximation, Translational Partition Function and Partition function of the monatomic ideal gas, obtaining energy and pressure from the partition function. It follows with the vibrational and rotational partition functions, and the intuitive understanding of heat capacities of solid and diatomic molecules. The course continues with the equipartition theorem of energy, and the concept of negative temperature. It then covers the Statistical Entropy, Entropy for model systems and detailed examples, Gibbs Entropy Formula and applications. For the Thermodynamics part of the class, it begins with the Basic logic of Thermodynamics, spontaneous processes, and the direction of approaching equilibrium. It continuous with the first law of Thermodynamics, Work, and Heat, The second law of Thermodynamics, and thermodynamics definition of Entropy, The third law of Thermodynamics, the Temperature dependence of Entropy, the concept of Enthalpy and its application in Thermochemistry. Then it follows with the Helmholtz Free energy, Gibbs Free Energy, Maxwell Relation and Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. The course then discusses the applications, focusing on Phase Equilibria, Chemical Potential, Gibbs-Duhem Equation, Solutions. It ends with the discussions of Chemical Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Transition State Theory. The course also has peer-lead workshop sessions. In these sessions, students will work in teams and lead by workshop leaders to discuss concepts learned in lectures and solve problems that exemplify the concepts discussed in lecture material and explain their solutions to each other. Workshops help the students to engage with the material together with their peers. The class also contains 2-3 midterm exams and 10-11 homework problems, as well as a final exam. This course uses the Tues/Thurs 8:00 - 9:30 am Common Exam time. Prerequisites: General chemistry - CHM131/CHM132 or equivalent, first semester physics - PHY 113, Calculus - MTH143. [overlaps with CHEM 252-1]
CHEM 446-1
Brandon Barnett
TR 6:00PM - 7:15PM
(2 credit, Fall, Spring) This course will survey the various classes of materials that can support permanent porosity as well as their established and emerging applications. Topics covered will include insustrial zeolite catalysis, adsorptive gas storage and separations, and membrane science. An emphasis will be placed on applications of current industrial importance. Prerequisites: CHEM 211 or equivalent and a basic familiarity of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics will be assumed. CHEM 252 is suggested but not required.
CHEM 449-1
David McCamant
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
This graduate course will cover advanced topics in spectroscopy. Introductory spectroscopy and quantum mechanics are required pre-requisites.
CHEM 452-1
Ignacio Franco
MWF 9:00AM - 10:15AM
(4 credits, Spring) The goal of this course is to give you familiarity with concepts and methods in modern quantum mechanics that are employed in Chemistry and many-body Science. The course will introduce basic strategies to capture the quantum dynamics of closed systems and those in interaction with a quantum surrounding. Topics include: wave-packet methods in molecular dynamics, second quantization, density matrices, quantum relaxation and decoherence, Green's function techniques, path integral methods. Prerequisites: graduate level course on quantum mechanics, CHM451 or equivalent.
CHEM 456-1
Michael Ruggiero
MW 10:25AM - 11:40AM
(4 credits) An introduction to the electronic structure of extended materials systems from both a chemical bonding and a condensed matter physics perspective. The course will discuss materials of all length scales from individual molecules to macroscopic three-dimensional crystals, but will focus on zero, one, and two dimensional inorganic materials at the nanometer scale. Specific topics include semiconductor nanocrystals, quantum wires, carbon nanotubes, and conjugated polymers. Two weekly lectures of 75 minutes each. Cross listed with OPT 429. (Fall).
CHEM 460-01
David McCamant
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
2 credits - Within the broad area of chemical kinetics, this course will focus on basic concepts of kinetics, photochemistry and electron-transfer (eT). In addition to studying bulk reaction rates, we will discuss Marcus's theory of eT, intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) and vibrational cooling, and the fates of photoexcited species (radiative and non-radiative decay channels). We will address the experimental quantification of these kinetics using time-resolved spectroscopy and analysis of kinetic data. The course material will be somewhat continuous with that of CHM 458, Molecular Spectroscopy.
CHEM 462-01
Benjamin Partridge
TR 2:00PM - 3:15PM
Description: (4 credits, Spring) An introduction to the chemical processes of life. Topics to be covered include proteins and nucleic acids, recombinant DNA technology, biological catalysis, and energy transduction. Structure and function of biological macromolecules will be emphasized. Crosslisted with CHM 262. Students will not receive credit for BIO 250 AND CHM 262/462. Prerequisites: one semester of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 203 or CHEM 171). Prior or Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 204 (or CHEM 172) is strongly recommended.
CHEM 468-1
Pengfei Huo
TR 9:40AM - 10:55AM
In this course, students will learn about a range of computational methods that are relevant to their research problems in chemistry. Emphasis will be placed both on the theory underlying computational techniques and on their practical applications. The class begins with a review of basic quantum mechanics and then introduces the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, variational principle, many-electron wavefunction, and the Hartree-Fock (HF) theory. It is then followed by a formal introduction to configuration interaction and other correlated Wave Function methods, Perturbation theory and Moller-Plesset perturbation method, Density-Functional Theory (DFT), theorems of Hohenberg and Kohn, Kohn-Sham equations, exchange-correlation functionals. It will also include molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations, methods for free-energy calculations. The class ends with discussions of quantum dynamics, non-adiabatic dynamics, mixed quantum-classical dynamics, and path-integral molecular dynamics for quantum effects Prerequisite: CHEM252/CHEM442 (or equivalent) for the original course CHEM469 and CHEM 251/CHEM441 (or equivalent) for the original course CHEM470.
CHEM 468-2
Pengfei Huo
F 10:25AM - 11:40AM
Workshops (Computer Labs): Delivered through pre-recorded videos. In these sessions, you will work on weekly computational laboratories with problem-based learning set up to gain hands-on experience in performing calculations (ranging from basic HF and DFT calculations to interesting applications, MD simulations, and enhanced sampling approaches). These labs help to reiterate and solidify the key concepts, derivations, or implementations discussed in class with detailed computational and numerical examples. These labs focus on reviewing the basic principles of electronic structure theory. A large number of Homework questions are directly related to these computer labs. Prerequisite: CHEM252/CHEM442 (or equivalent) for the original course CHEM469 and CHEM 251/CHEM441 (or equivalent) for the original course CHEM470.
CHEM 475-01
Alison Frontier
MW 2:00PM - 3:15PM
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry.
CHEM 475-02
Alison Frontier
F 1:00PM - 3:00PM
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry.
CHEM 475-03
Alison Frontier
R 4:50PM - 6:50PM
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry.
CHEM 475-04
Alison Frontier
W 3:25PM - 5:25PM
(4 credits) In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. [Cross Listed: CHEM 275 (P), CHEM 475]
CHEM 476-2
Wyatt Tenhaeff
WF 2:00PM - 3:15PM
No description
CHEM 495-01
7:00PM - 7:00PM
No description
CHEM 511-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
M 3:25PM - 6:05PM
(1 credit, Fall, Spring) Chemistry seminar series. First-year graduate students must register as required. All others may attend as required.
CHEM 583-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
W 12:00PM - 1:45PM
Special Guest Speakers of Chemistry are scheduled regularly, and constitute an important component of graduate education.
CHEM 583-2
Ellen Matson Hicks
W 4:00PM - 5:55PM
No description
CHEM 593-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
TR 3:25PM - 6:05PM
No description
CHEM 595-1
Kara Bren
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-10
Todd Krauss
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-11
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-12
David McCamant
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-14
Bradley Nilsson
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-15
Shauna Tschirhart
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-16
Yishu Jiang
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-17
Wolf Schroeder
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-18
Ben Miller
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-19
Shuai Zhang
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-2
Brandon Barnett
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-20
Andrew White
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-21
Jim McGrath
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-22
David Mathews
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-23
Astrid Mueller
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-25
Benjamin Partridge
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-26
Agnes Thorarinsdottir
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-33
Michael Ruggiero
7:00PM - 7:00PM
No description
CHEM 595-4
Ignacio Franco
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-5
Alison Frontier
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-6
Pengfei Huo
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-7
William Jones
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-8
Rose Aggarwal
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 595-9
Kathryn Knowles
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 895-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 897-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 899-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 986V-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 995-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
CHEM 999-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
7:00PM - 7:00PM
Blank Description
Spring 2025
Number | Title | Instructor | Time |
Monday | |
CHEM 511-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
(1 credit, Fall, Spring) Chemistry seminar series. First-year graduate students must register as required. All others may attend as required. |
Monday and Wednesday | |
CHEM 416-2
Ellen Matson Hicks; William Brennessel
(2 Credits) Students will learn the basic principles of X-ray diffraction, crystallographic symmetry, and space groups. Each student will perform an individual single crystal diffraction experiment, which includes crystal mounting, data collection, structure solution and refinement, and evaluating and reporting crystallographic data. Regular assignments of problem sets, simple lab work, and computer tutorials are given. (Spring, 2nd half of semester.) |
CHEM 456-1
Michael Ruggiero
(4 credits) An introduction to the electronic structure of extended materials systems from both a chemical bonding and a condensed matter physics perspective. The course will discuss materials of all length scales from individual molecules to macroscopic three-dimensional crystals, but will focus on zero, one, and two dimensional inorganic materials at the nanometer scale. Specific topics include semiconductor nanocrystals, quantum wires, carbon nanotubes, and conjugated polymers. Two weekly lectures of 75 minutes each. Cross listed with OPT 429. (Fall). |
CHEM 475-01
Alison Frontier
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry. |
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday | |
CHEM 452-1
Ignacio Franco
(4 credits, Spring) The goal of this course is to give you familiarity with concepts and methods in modern quantum mechanics that are employed in Chemistry and many-body Science. The course will introduce basic strategies to capture the quantum dynamics of closed systems and those in interaction with a quantum surrounding. Topics include: wave-packet methods in molecular dynamics, second quantization, density matrices, quantum relaxation and decoherence, Green's function techniques, path integral methods. Prerequisites: graduate level course on quantum mechanics, CHM451 or equivalent. |
Tuesday and Thursday | |
CHEM 442-01
Wolf Schroeder
(4 credits, Fall, Spring) Chemistry 252 covers thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, and chemical kinetics. These subjects provide a fundamental understanding of the behavior of matter and energy. The focus of the class is on both Thermodynamics, which is the mathematical theory of heat, gives rules describing how heat flows, and the relationship between heat and other kinds of energy, as well as on Statistical mechanics, which is the discipline that explains the nature of temperature, entropy, and provides a fundamental and microscopic explanation of thermodynamics in terms of probability and laws of statistics. The course follows the textbook “Molecular Thermodynamics” by D.A. McQuarrie and John Simon, and “Molecular Driving Force” by K.A. Dill and S. Bromberg. The course begins with the concept of Microstates and Entropy, the equal a priori probabilities assumption, the direction of approaching equilibrium as a process that maximizes the total number of microstates. It then discusses the nature of Temperature and uses heat transfer as an example to illustrate the process that maximizes the number of microstates. It continues with the derivation of the Boltzmann distribution and the physical meaning of partition function, followed by simple and concise applications of Boltzmann distribution. It then covers the factorization approximation, Translational Partition Function and Partition function of the monatomic ideal gas, obtaining energy and pressure from the partition function. It follows with the vibrational and rotational partition functions, and the intuitive understanding of heat capacities of solid and diatomic molecules. The course continues with the equipartition theorem of energy, and the concept of negative temperature. It then covers the Statistical Entropy, Entropy for model systems and detailed examples, Gibbs Entropy Formula and applications. For the Thermodynamics part of the class, it begins with the Basic logic of Thermodynamics, spontaneous processes, and the direction of approaching equilibrium. It continuous with the first law of Thermodynamics, Work, and Heat, The second law of Thermodynamics, and thermodynamics definition of Entropy, The third law of Thermodynamics, the Temperature dependence of Entropy, the concept of Enthalpy and its application in Thermochemistry. Then it follows with the Helmholtz Free energy, Gibbs Free Energy, Maxwell Relation and Gibbs-Helmholtz equation. The course then discusses the applications, focusing on Phase Equilibria, Chemical Potential, Gibbs-Duhem Equation, Solutions. It ends with the discussions of Chemical Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Transition State Theory. The course also has peer-lead workshop sessions. In these sessions, students will work in teams and lead by workshop leaders to discuss concepts learned in lectures and solve problems that exemplify the concepts discussed in lecture material and explain their solutions to each other. Workshops help the students to engage with the material together with their peers. The class also contains 2-3 midterm exams and 10-11 homework problems, as well as a final exam. This course uses the Tues/Thurs 8:00 - 9:30 am Common Exam time. Prerequisites: General chemistry - CHM131/CHM132 or equivalent, first semester physics - PHY 113, Calculus - MTH143. [overlaps with CHEM 252-1] |
CHEM 449-1
David McCamant
This graduate course will cover advanced topics in spectroscopy. Introductory spectroscopy and quantum mechanics are required pre-requisites. |
CHEM 460-01
David McCamant
2 credits - Within the broad area of chemical kinetics, this course will focus on basic concepts of kinetics, photochemistry and electron-transfer (eT). In addition to studying bulk reaction rates, we will discuss Marcus's theory of eT, intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution (IVR) and vibrational cooling, and the fates of photoexcited species (radiative and non-radiative decay channels). We will address the experimental quantification of these kinetics using time-resolved spectroscopy and analysis of kinetic data. The course material will be somewhat continuous with that of CHM 458, Molecular Spectroscopy. |
CHEM 468-1
Pengfei Huo
In this course, students will learn about a range of computational methods that are relevant to their research problems in chemistry. Emphasis will be placed both on the theory underlying computational techniques and on their practical applications. The class begins with a review of basic quantum mechanics and then introduces the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, variational principle, many-electron wavefunction, and the Hartree-Fock (HF) theory. It is then followed by a formal introduction to configuration interaction and other correlated Wave Function methods, Perturbation theory and Moller-Plesset perturbation method, Density-Functional Theory (DFT), theorems of Hohenberg and Kohn, Kohn-Sham equations, exchange-correlation functionals. It will also include molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo simulations, methods for free-energy calculations. The class ends with discussions of quantum dynamics, non-adiabatic dynamics, mixed quantum-classical dynamics, and path-integral molecular dynamics for quantum effects Prerequisite: CHEM252/CHEM442 (or equivalent) for the original course CHEM469 and CHEM 251/CHEM441 (or equivalent) for the original course CHEM470. |
CHEM 426-1
Agnes Thorarinsdottir
"The purpose of this course is to familiarize you with the diverse and fascinating characterization techniques available today for determining the structures and properties of inorganic molecules and materials (e.g., X-ray techniques, EPR, NMR, Mössbauer, magnetic measurements). The utility and limitations of each technique will be emphasized using examples from recent chemistry literature. At the end of the course, each student should be able to identify the most favorable physical methods to analyze and properly describe a given inorganic molecule or material that they might encounter in their research projects. CHEM 211 or equivalent is recommended." |
CHEM 427-1
Bradley Nilsson
(2 credits) (formerly CHM 426). The modern methods and tools employed for the determination of the structure of complex organic molecules will be discussed. Among the areas discussed are basic NMR, IR, UV and mass spectroscopy. Problem solving techniques will be illustrated and problem solving skills developed by means of problem sets and class examples. (Fall, 2nd half of semester). |
CHEM 462-01
Benjamin Partridge
Description: (4 credits, Spring) An introduction to the chemical processes of life. Topics to be covered include proteins and nucleic acids, recombinant DNA technology, biological catalysis, and energy transduction. Structure and function of biological macromolecules will be emphasized. Crosslisted with CHM 262. Students will not receive credit for BIO 250 AND CHM 262/462. Prerequisites: one semester of Organic Chemistry (CHEM 203 or CHEM 171). Prior or Concurrent enrollment in CHEM 204 (or CHEM 172) is strongly recommended. |
CHEM 593-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
No description |
CHEM 446-1
Brandon Barnett
(2 credit, Fall, Spring) This course will survey the various classes of materials that can support permanent porosity as well as their established and emerging applications. Topics covered will include insustrial zeolite catalysis, adsorptive gas storage and separations, and membrane science. An emphasis will be placed on applications of current industrial importance. Prerequisites: CHEM 211 or equivalent and a basic familiarity of thermodynamics and chemical kinetics will be assumed. CHEM 252 is suggested but not required. |
CHEM 422-1
Brandon Barnett
(2 credits) (formerly CHEM 423) - Mechanisms in organometallic reactions. Applications of organometallic compounds in homogeneous catalysis, polymerization, metathesis. Prerequisite: CHEM 421 (Fall Spring, 1st half of semester). |
Wednesday | |
CHEM 583-1
Ellen Matson Hicks
Special Guest Speakers of Chemistry are scheduled regularly, and constitute an important component of graduate education.
CHEM 406-1
Bradley Nilsson
(2 credits) This course will survey recent developments in science at the chemistry-biology interface through directed readings of scientific literature. Effective approaches to science communication will be emphasized. Students will develop and improve communication skills through discussion sessions, a presentation, and writing a short original proposal. (Spring) |
CHEM 475-04
Alison Frontier
(4 credits) In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. [Cross Listed: CHEM 275 (P), CHEM 475] |
CHEM 583-2
Ellen Matson Hicks
No description |
Wednesday and Friday | |
CHEM 476-2
Wyatt Tenhaeff
No description |
Thursday | |
CHEM 475-03
Alison Frontier
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry. |
Friday | |
CHEM 468-2
Pengfei Huo
Workshops (Computer Labs): Delivered through pre-recorded videos. In these sessions, you will work on weekly computational laboratories with problem-based learning set up to gain hands-on experience in performing calculations (ranging from basic HF and DFT calculations to interesting applications, MD simulations, and enhanced sampling approaches). These labs help to reiterate and solidify the key concepts, derivations, or implementations discussed in class with detailed computational and numerical examples. These labs focus on reviewing the basic principles of electronic structure theory. A large number of Homework questions are directly related to these computer labs. Prerequisite: CHEM252/CHEM442 (or equivalent) for the original course CHEM469 and CHEM 251/CHEM441 (or equivalent) for the original course CHEM470. |
CHEM 475-02
Alison Frontier
In this course, we will explore both the science of poisonous substances and their impact on human history and culture. What is a poison? Where can poisons be found in nature? Who discovered them, and how? Focusing on small molecule poisons, we will study the chemical and biochemical mechanisms underlying their toxicity and discuss how antidotes work. Through case studies, we will examine the wide variety of uses people have found for these compounds, from committing crimes to practicing medicine. Source materials will include historical, literary, and scientific texts, recent essays, and popular culture. Prerequisite: completion of two semesters of organic chemistry. |