Alyssa A Rodriguez
PhD, 2023
Advisor: Matthew Lenoe
Major Fields: Russian and Soviet History, 1864-1989; Comparative Socialism
Minor Fields: Pre-Modern Europe: Mesopotamia to Columbus; Modern Europe: French Revolution to 1989
Research Interests
Legality and law within the Soviet long 1970s (the Brezhnev era from 1968-1984) Also interested in the individual in the Soviet Union, individuality, and identity, and how people publicly discussed identity.
Hot to be Soviet: The Performance of the Soviet Self via the Legal System, 1968-1985
BA History, University of the Pacific, 2017
MA History. University of Rochester, 2018
Courses Offered (subject to change)
- HIST 198: Daily Life in Socialist Countries, Syllabus
- Before coming to the University of Rochester I aattended undergrad at the University of the Pacific from 2013-2017
- I hope to work as a pprofessor, also considering working in a museum
- What I like best about Rochester is the nice people- very helpful. I like the snow and atmosphere. The library is amazing.