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Adams, Cary
Associate Professor of Art, Environment, and Emerging Practices
- Office Location
- Sage Art Center
- Telephone
- (585) 273-5994
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Environmental Art and Humanities; New Media; Social Practice

Bernardi, Joanne
Professor of Japanese
- Office Location
- 409 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4268
Interests: Japanese cinema and culture; the history and historiography of moving images and other visual media; material culture studies; and critical digital humanities practice

Bridges, William H., IV
Arthur Satz Professor of the Humanities
Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Cultures
- Office Location
- 407 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-2235
Interests: Modern Japanese language, literature, and culture; Race and ethnicity in modern Japanese literature and culture; Contemporary Japanese popular culture, especially anime; 20th-century African American media and culture; Literary theory, especially African American literary theory and the theory of the novel; Translation (theory and practice); Creative Nonfiction; Digital Humanities; Reparations and Intergenerational Justice

Burges, Joel
Associate Professor of English
Program Director, Visual and Cultural Studies
- Office Location
- 508 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-2694
Interests: Post-1945 cultural studies; media studies; critical theory; American and contemporary literature

Higley, Sarah
Professor of English and of Film and Media Studies
- Office Location
- 411 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9261
Interests: Medieval vernacular languages and literature of Northern Europe; film and media studies; fiction

Hwang, June
Associate Professor of German
- Office Location
- 429 Lattimore Hall
Interests: Film history and theory; critical theory and cultural studies; contemporary German culture and film; Weimar Cinema; German Jewish Studies; representations of the Holocaust

Kalayeh, Pirooz
Assistant Professor of English
- Office Location
- 407 Morey Hall
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Hybrid Cinema; Iranian Cinema; Narrative Film Production; Documentary Production; Multicultural Programming; Animation

Leblanc-Roberge, Evelyne
Associate Professor of Art, Lens Based Media
- Office Location
- Sage Art Center
- Web Address
- Website
Interests: Photography and Video Installation; Representation of Space; Site-Specificity ; Frame Theory; Trompe l'oeil; Book Making; Maps and Floor Plans; Notion(s) of time; Fictions and Documents

Middleton, Jason
Associate Professor of English and of Film and Media Studies
Program Director, Film and Media Studies
- Office Location
- 511 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9372
Interests: Film/media including documentary, horror, and experimental film; affect and embodiment; critical theory; cultural studies; transmedia aesthetics

Nadir, Leila Christine
Associate Professor of Environmental Humanities
Director, Environmental Humanities Program
Interests: Anthropocene; Apocalypse; Environmental humanities; Memoir and creative nonfiction; Social practice art; Food studies; Theories of modernity/modernism; Cultural histories of colonialism and extractive capitalism; Immigration studies; Cold War geopolitics, especially related to Afghanistan; Politics of Race and Ethnicity; American Literature

Omelsky, Matthew
Associate Professor of English
Associate Professor of Black Studies
Associate Professor of Visual and Cultural Studies
Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Black Studies
- Office Location
- 417 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-2376
Interests: Global black cultural studies; African, African American, and Caribbean literatures; Film and media studies; Speculative aesthetics; Time and phenomenology; Critical theory

Rodríguez-Hernández, Raúl
Associate Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature
Spanish Program Head
- Office Location
- 420 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4257

Rosenow, James
Assistant Professor of English
- Office Location
- 420 Morey Hall

Safariants, Rita
Assistant Professor of Russian
- Office Location
- 422 Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4251
Interests: Soviet and Post-Soviet cinema; Soviet and Russian official and unofficial popular music; Russian literature, adaptation studies, gender studies, media and performance culture

Schaefer, Claudia
Professor of Spanish and Comparative Literature; Rush Rhees Chair
- Office Location
- 408A Lattimore Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-4253

Schottenfeld, Stephen
Professor of English
- Office Location
- 414 Morey Hall
Interests: Modern and contemporary literature; fiction writing; playwriting; screenwriting

Steingröver, Reinhild
Professor of German at the Eastman School of Music
- Office Location
- 204 Eastman Theater ET
- Telephone
- (585) 274-1616

Topolski, Allen
Associate Professor
- Office Location
- Sage Art Center
- Telephone
- (585) 275-3994
Interests: Studio production that incorporates found materials and a variety of processes to explore nostalgia and memory in technologies of domesticity and convenience.

Willis, Sharon
Professor of Art and Art History and Visual and Cultural Studies
- Office Location
- 517 Morey Hall
- Telephone
- (585) 275-9249
Interests: Film history and theory; visual and cultural studies; women's studies and feminist theory; comparative literature and critical theory; French cinema; 19th and 20th century French literature