From Uncle Tom to Aunt Phillis: Professor sheds new light on race, slavery in American literature

March 2, 2016

Professor Ezra TawilThe cultural impact of slavery is one of the most important topics for students and teachers of American studies. Yet to date, there is no collection of essays that provide an overview of its significance in American literature for classroom use. This is why Ezra Tawil, associate professor of English, decided to take on the role as editor for the forthcoming publication, Cambridge Companion to Slavery in American Literature.

"I felt it was important for there to be a collection of essays that show how race, slavery, and its complex legacies have been addressed in American culture through artistic production from the 18th century to the present day," said Tawil, who came up with the idea in 2012 while preparing to teach a course about slavery in literature at the University of Rochester.

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