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Barbara Smith Wins 2023 Chemistry Department Sandra Beach Award

Congratulations to Barbara (“Barb”) Smith, who is the recipient of the 2023 Sandra M. Beach Memorial Award for outstanding service to the Department of Chemistry. The award was presented to Barb at the Department's Staff Luncheon and honors her four years of service as a member of the Department of Chemistry.
As part of the business office, Barb completes internal charge reports; processes both the expense reimbursements for students, faculty, and staff; processes many of the purchase orders the department makes; and helps train new employees. She also oversees key distribution, manages lab coat sales, and tracks the student travel awards, and performs other tasks as needed.
She was particularly recognized for her vital accounting work, work ethic, and helpfulness.
Some comments from those who nominated her were:
“Barb is definitely a good fit for the Business Office and great backup for Doris, the senior business manager too. The Department of Chemistry is very lucky to have Barb as a dedicated staff member.”
“Barb Smith has been an outstanding accountant helping me with lots of messy billing for the Raman facility. That department facility is open for use by outside companies and researchers and so it’s always a bit complicated getting those outside users into the system and to get the billing set up. Barb has handled all this really well.”
“Barb is always pleasant and courteous to everyone who comes into the Business Office. She is also always willing to help wherever is needed. We are very fortunate to have her on our staff!”
The Sandra M. Beach Memorial Award was established as a tribute to Sandra Beach, who served as the department secretary from 1991 until her tragic death in an automobile accident in 1993. She was an extremely important and well-liked staff member whose cheerful and helpful attitude made her an invaluable asset. Each year, co-workers, faculty and students nominate a chemistry staff member whom they feel has contributed significantly to the welfare and camaraderie of the department.