Department News

Linda Boyle Wins 2022 Chemistry Department Sandra Beach Award

July 11, 2022

boyle_linda.jpgCongratulations to Linda Boyle, who is the recipient of the 2022 Sandra M. Beach Memorial Award for outstanding service to the Chemistry Department. The award was presented to Linda at the Department's Staff Luncheon on June 30th, and honors her many years of service as a member of the Chemistry Department.

Linda was particularly recognized for her can-do approach, positive attitude, and her excellence as a team player. Some comments from those who nominated Linda were:

  • "I've never seen her get upset with anyone. She gets along with everyone and helps out where she can."
  • "She is always patient and helpful when my students or I stop by with naive questions."
  • "She greets everyone warmly."

Linda first worked in the Chemistry Department over 20 years ago doing graduate recruiting and helping develop databases for the Business Office. In December 2016, the Department was very fortunate to have Linda return once again to Chemistry to work as an Accounting Bookkeeper in the Business Office. She is currently responsible for approving payroll so that we all get paid, helping out with File Maker, and for the past year has been processing Graduate Student forms. She is also the Pcard Manager for the department. Linda is always willing to help out wherever is needed!

The Sandra M. Beach Memorial Award was established as a tribute to Sandra Beach, who served as the Department Secretary from 1991 until her tragic death in an automobile accident in 1993. She was an extremely important and well-liked staff member whose cheerful and helpful attitude made her an invaluable asset. Each year, co-workers, faculty and students nominate a Chemistry staff member whom they feel has contributed significantly to the welfare and camaraderie of the Department.

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