Department News
2021 Undergraduate Chemistry Awards
Several of our outstanding chemistry majors have won awards from the Chemistry Department, the American Chemical Society (ACS), and the College. Seniors will be recognized at this year’s Chemistry Diploma Ceremony, on Saturday, May 22, 2021. Congratulations to all!
Dr. E.W. & Maude V. Flagg AwardDalton Hanaway The Dr. E.W. & Maude V. Flagg Award recognizes outstanding performance and promise in chemistry by a graduating senior. The recipient is selected by a faculty committee appointed by the Chair of the Department of Chemistry. The award consists of a certificate and cash prize. | |
2021 John McCreary Memorial PrizeJustine Drappeau and Jacob Schmidt The John McCreary Memorial Fund was established in 1985 in tribute to the high academic and scientific standards and the personal dedication of John James McCreary. The award consists of a certificate and cash prize. | |
ACS Undergraduate Rochester Section Award Alfons Pineda-Knauseder This award is given to a senior with an outstanding academic record and consists of a cash prize, certificate, recognition at the ACS Annual Rochester Section Undergraduate Research Symposium in the spring, and the inclusion of the Awardee’s name on a plaque in the department. Alfons was recognized for his research, "Engineered Sperm Whale Myoglobin Variants as Organic Solvent Resistant Biocatalysts and Aryl Allene Cyclopropanases" at the virtual Annual Rochester Collegiate Research Symposium on Saturday, April 24th. Another one of our seniors, Catherine Seo, also won "Best Talk" for her presentation on "Manganese Promoted Oxidative Radical Addition Reactions." | |
ACS Organic Chemistry AwardYeongseong (Catherine) Seo This award is given to a student who is selected by the faculty on the basis of outstanding academic achievement in organic chemistry. The award consists of a cash prize, certificate, and listing on the ACS website. | |
ACS Analytical Chemistry AwardJacob Schmidt This award is intended to encourage student interest in analytical chemistry and to recognize students who display an aptitude for a career in the field. The award consists of a personalized certificate and souvenir item from ACS, as well as a cash prize and certificate from the department. | |
ACS Inorganic Chemistry AwardSarah Craig This award is given to a student who is selected by the faculty on the basis of outstanding academic achievement in inorganic chemistry. The award consists of a cash prize, certificate, and listing on the ACS website. | |
ACS Physical Chemistry AwardMatt DeLorenzo This award is given to a student who is selected by the faculty on the basis of outstanding academic achievement in physical chemistry, and to encourage further pursuits in the field. The award consists of a cash prize, certificate, and listing on the ACS website. | |
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Carl A. Whiteman Jr. Teaching AwardSarah Craig and Noelle Peluso The Carl A. Whiteman Jr. Teaching Award recognizes exemplary teaching by an undergraduate student in the Department of Chemistry. Carl Whiteman graduated from the University of Rochester in 1950 and worked continuously in the Department until his retirement in 1986. This award recognizes his teaching experience, as well as that of the recipients. Recipients receive a certificate and cash prize. | |
2020 Chemistry Department AwardTimur Cinay, Jade Johnson, Noelle Peluso, and Hannah Roberts The Chemistry Department Award is given to seniors in recognition of outstanding scholarship in the study of chemistry. Recipients receive a certificate and cash prize. | |
2021 Janet Howell Clark Prize (Sr. Ceremony)Evelyn Matei and Yeongseong (Catherine) Seo The Janet Howell Clark Prize is awarded to a senior woman who has shown the greatest promise in creative work in one of the following fields - Physics, Chemistry, Biology, or Astronomy - and has shown outstanding versatility in the mastery of allied fields. The award consists of a cash prize and recognition at the Virtual Singer Family Prize and Senior Academic Awards ceremony on Tuesday, May 18, 2:30-4pm. Yeongseong (Catherine) Seo will graduate with a BA in Chemistry, and a BS in Biological Sciences - Molecular Genetics (BMG) Track, and was nominated for this award by faculty of the Chemistry Department. Evelyn Matei will graduate with a BA in Chemistry and a BS in Biological Sciences - Neuroscience (NSC) track, and was nominated by faculty of the Biology Dept.
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2021 John R Slater Memorial PrizeCaleb Prus The John R. Slater Prize is awarded to those members of the graduating class who have throughout their undergraduate careers shown the most competence in the use of the English language as exemplified by excellence in composition, in public speaking, in work on University publications, in participation in student government or otherwise. | |
2021 Phi Beta Kappa Honor SocietyTimur Cinay Founded in 1776, Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest academic honor society. Membership is by invitation only, and students are selected by faculty members who are also members of the society.
Congratulations to all!
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