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Professors Fasan, Benoit, and Frisch Receive University Research Award
Prof. Rudi Fasan, Associate Professor of Chemistry; Danielle Benoit, Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering; and Benjamin Frisch, Research Assistant Professor of Medicine (Hematology/Oncology) were recipients of a 2016-17 University Research Award.
Their proposal, "Targeted Delivery of Cytotoxic Agents for the Eradication of Leukemia Stem Cells in the Bone Marrow", was one of eight applications chosen by senior research leadership. It is described as an initial assessment of the functionality and therapeutic potential of developing a novel nanoparticle-based system for the controlled and selective delivery of antileukemic agents to acute myeloid leukemia and leukemia stem cells within the bone marrow.
The University Research Awards, previously known as Provost Multidisciplinary Awards, provide seed money on a competitive basis for innovative research projects that are likely to attract external support when sufficiently developed.
University Research Awards are funded $250,000 every year by the President and matched by the schools for a total of $500,000 annually.
Proposals are evaluated on whether the projects promise to solve a problem of intellectual or scientific importance, are well-designed and feasible, offer opportunity for involvement of students, and clearly show how outcomes should lead to external funding. Proposals are also evaluated on whether applicants are qualified to see the project to a successful conclusion and whether the budget request is appropriate.