Chemistry Spotlights

The goal of the Department of Chemistry Spotlights initiative is to help our community develop stronger connections and synergies along with a better appreciation for our diversity in perspectives and backgrounds.

To participate, please answer the following short-form questions and send us two pictures of yourself—one displaying an aspect of your professional life and one displaying part of your life beyond your activities in our department. If you prefer, you can replace one of those pictures with a relevant image.

Please keep your answers short and sweet! Your answers will be assembled into a web page and shared in social media and among the department. Two of these answers will be highlighted, so if you have a preference please make them explicit by adding “(to be highlighted)” in your responses. When doing so, please pick one answer that highlights your Chemistry@UofR activities/interests and one beyond.

We may need to adapt or shorten your answers to fit the format but we will share our proposed final product with you before releasing it.

About You

Your Photos

  • File size should be less than 1 MB
  • JPG/JPEG and PNG files accepted

File types allowed: jpeg,png

File types allowed: jpeg,png