Dramaturgical Resources


365 Days/365 Plays

By Suzan-Lori Parks

Over the course of the season, our assistant directors and student dramaturgs will be compiling dramaturgical resources relating to each production as it develops. Below are some links to websites which relate to the history of the play, the biography of the playwright, and sites that contextualize and, we hope, shed light on the directorial approach to the dramatic material.

We hope you find these resources of interest.

Suzan Lori Parks

Suzan-Lori Parks (b. 1964)

Here is the official site of the 365 Days/365 Plays project. It includes background for the project, lists of participating theatres, pictures of various productions across the globe, press articles, and more.

Next is a great article/profile of Suzan-Lori Parks from the New Yorker, written by Hilton Als, called The Show-Woman. In it, Suzan-Lori Parks talks about her career, art, race, and her latest project, 365 Days/365 Plays. It’s an honest, humorous article, revealing an artist full of personality.

Wikipedia also provides a complete list of Parks' works and awards.

An NPR interview with Suzan-Lori Parks talking a bit about 365/365.

The Theatre Communications Group posts each day's play on their website. Read today’s play, knowing that it is going to be performed by some theatre, somewhere in the world today.

This New York Times article talks a bit more about the organization of the 365 Days/365 Plays project.

A good "This Day in History" site, where you can learn about the major events that went on in history on these days.