The University of Rochester seismological laboratory (URSeismo) is seeking applications from motivated PhD students to work on research opportunities in lithospheric structure and seismology. Research projects include NSF funded proposals. We use large amounts of ground vibration waveform data for earth imaging, time series waveform and spectral analysis, Bayesian inversion, etc. More details about this (and other) research projects can be found on:
Careers and Opportunities
Join Us @EI_Lab (updated: Feb. ’24) Ph.D. students and Postdocs: The EI Lab is now recruiting interested PhD students for Fall 2024/25. Self-funded students are encouraged to contact Dr. Olugboji directly. Interested students need not have any prior research
Research @ URseismo
Making the invisible Earth visible: Our group uses recordings of ground vibrations from seismic sensors across the globe, combined with advances in high-performance computing and machine learning, for high-resolution subsurface Earth-imaging and improved earthquake detection with sparse seismic networks.
Educational Outreach
Philosophy: Creating memorable learning experiences, inculcating scientific attitudes and skills, expanding scientific knowledge. All happening in (non-) traditional settings, e.g. research lab, on the field, office hours, high school outreach and recruitment, and public lectures.