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CTSI Analytics Colloquium

November 07, 2017
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Lower Adolph Auditorium (1-7619) in the Medical Center

Anthony Almudevar, PhD and Varun Chandola, PhD
Sponsored by the Informatics Analytics Cluster

The first CTSI Informatics Analytics Cluster Colloquium will be held on Tuesday Nov. 7th from noon to 1pm with lunch provided.  The theme of the colloquium is the historical roots of machine learning. 

  • The Historical Foundations of Machine Learning by Anthony Almudevar, PhD, Associate Professor of Biostatitics and Computational Biology, University of Rochester.
  • Applications of Machine Learning in Precision Medicine in Machine by Varun Chandola, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science & Engineering, SUNY Buffalo.

Includes a light lunch!

For questions or comments, please contact Dongmei Li

Category: Talks