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PSCI 152 Politics in Developing Nations

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  • Summer 2015
    Rabia Malik
    Summer 2015 — MTWR 13:00 - 16:00

    Summer Session 1 (May 18-June 15)
    Why does corruption persist in developing countries-even democratic ones? Does corruption affect the governability of a country? Why and how do political parties in developing nations try to "buy" votes and manipulate elections? We will explore these questions and many others by focusing on both elections and policymaking in developing country democracies, particularly in Latin America and South Asia. Topics will include vote buying, patronage and clientelistic strategies in elections, as well as the role of political parties in getting candidates into office. We will also focus on how legislatures form policies and allocate resources. In addition, we will try to understand how bribery, nepotism and corruption influence elections and policy, and why it is so difficult to eradicate these problems.