Elliot, A. J. (2019). A historically based review of empirical work on color and psychological functioning: Content, methods, and recommendations for future research. Review of General Psychology, 23, 177-200.
Hangen, E. J., Elliot, A. J., & Jamieson, J. P. (2019). Lay concpetions of norm-based approach and avoidance motivation: Implications for the performance-approach and performance-avoidance goal relation. Journal of Personality, 87, 737-749.
Kesebir, S., Lee, S. Y., Elliot, A. J., & Pillutla, M. M. (2019). Lay beliefs about competition: Scale development and gender differences. Motivation and Emotion, 43, 719-739.
Korn, R. M., Elliot, A. J., & Daumiller, M. (2019). Back to the roots: The 2 x 2 standpoints and standards achievement goal model. Learning and Individual Differences, 72, 92-102.
Sommet, N., Elliot, A. J., Jamieson, J., & Butera, F. (2019). Income inequality, perceived competitiveness, and approach-avoidance motivation. Journal of Personality, 87, 767-784.