Graduate Students
Danso, Augustine
Interests: African/ Ghanaian cinema; questions of representation, power and politics
Kielich, Steven
Interests: Japanese and Korean cinema and culture; film history and theory; video games; popular culture; psychoanalysis; continental philosophy
Kim, Juhee
Interests: Korean modern and contemporary art; realism and socially engaged art; art and politics; fine art's engagement with popular culture, mass media, and photography
Bass-Krueger, Tristan
Koh, Haebin
Interests: Digital materiality; physicality and embodiment; the concept of the 'abject'
Lyu, Xuechun
Interests: Film and media studies; documentary; East Asian cinema; trauma studies; memory; sound and voice
Mehlrose, MK
Interests: Archival, craft, and queer scholarship, with an emphasis on their relationship to affect theory and epistemology
Broad, Emily
Interests: Photography Theory; Farm Security Administration; Theorizing archives and museums; Art of the Arab World; Palestine; Ecocriticism and New Materialism; Vernacular Photography; Photography and Social Activism
Elkind, George
Fincher, Bethany
Interests: Noise and sound studies; art and experimental music; performance art; body art; critical theory; post-structuralism
Galban, Michael
Interests: 17th & 18th century Eastern Woodland art and material culture; Indigenous gender roles in art; Indigenous Semiotics of the Colonial era; Contemporary Native American Art; Folklore; Eastern Woodland Body Modification; Colonial North American History; Public history and interpretation
Kim, Kangmin
Interests: Modern and contemporary art; Cold War; Migration; Ethnic minorities in the Soviet Union and the United States; Home and unhomeliness
Yu Jin, Renee
Interests: Anthropology of art; Sculpture; Modern and contemporary Chinese art; Art production and labor; Critical Urban Geography; Translocality and transnationalism
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Arnett, Daly
Interests: 20th century Visual Culture; American Studies; Self-taught art; Folk art; Modernism(s); Historiography; Post-structuralism; Formalism
Barski, Justin
Interests: Critical Theory; Postmodernism; Modern and Contemporary Art; Aesthetic Theory; Systems Theory; Phenomenology; Surveillance; Computer Vision
Carter, Jacob
Interests: Film history and theory; queer cinema; film phenomenology; horror film; documentary
Genter Montevecchio, Elisabeth R.
Interests: Early Modern Art; Dutch and German Art; Monstrosity and the Grotesque in Art; Horror Theory; Gender Studies ; Film Studies and Popular Culture
Palmer, Dylan
Interests: Post 1960s cinema, Marxism, continental philosophy, urban studies, geography, spatiality, temporality
Zhu, Siheng
Interests: Animation; Game Studies; Popular Culture; Asian Studies; Media Studies; Globalization
Cheng, Hsin-Yun
Interests: Contemporary art; Performance studies; Asian American art; Migration and diaspora; Globalization; Socially engaged art; Labor and capitalism
Fleming, Bridget
Interests: Postwar and contemporary art; artist collectives and collectivity; socially engaged art; media studies and video; gender and sexuality
Genevro, Danielle
Interests: Pre-1960s cinemas; film history and theory; film style; special effects; Lacanian psychoanalysis
Keeton, Jamey
Interests: animation; comics studies; critical theory; digital humanities; film and television; popular culture; media studies
Segu Jensen, Catalina
Interests: digital media studies; critical theory and technology ; space and spatiality; globalization; capitalism; contemporary art
Karakaya, Elif
Interests: Global modern and contemporary art; memory studies, archival theory; migration; diaspora studies
Keye, Wade
Interests: Critical Study of New Media; Surveillance Studies; Online Memorial Culture; Memes
Sancto, Christian
Interests: Modern and contemporary art; Sound and moving images; Performance studies; Gender and sexuality; Aesthetics and critical theory
Taormina, Victoria
Interests: Gender and sexuality; Performance art; Latinx studies; Critical race theory
DeBoer, Kendall
Interests: Surrealisms; Self-taught art; Folk art; Outliers; Artifice; Ornamentation; Decoration; Craft studies; Fiber art; Unconventional materials; Excess; Adornment; Theatricality; Gender
Nasirov, Yasin
Interests: Film and Philosophy; Russian Cinema; Adaptation Studies; Experimental Film; Kubrick