
BS Degree with Distinction in Research

The current requirements of the University Undergraduate Program in Biology and Medicine (UPBM) for awarding the degree with distinction to graduating majors in the BS tracks (or the BA program) are the following:

  • A minimum grade point average of 2.7 in the courses comprising the Biology Core, Neuroscience Requirement, and the Diversification Requirements (but not the required courses in the allied fields). Since the "distinction" here is based primarily on research rather than grades in standard courses, the quality of the research will determine the award. (The term "highest distinction" will not be used.)
  • A Senior Thesis, which will be defended at an open meeting of the student's advisory committee. The advisory committee will consist of the thesis advisor, one faculty member in the student's track (Neuroscience), and one faculty member appointed by the Director of the Program in Biology and Medicine on the recommendation of the Neuroscience track coordinator. After the advisory committee is formed, it is the responsibility of the student and his/her advisor to reserve a date/room to hold the examination.
  • Application by the students for acceptance as a candidate with endorsing signatures from the thesis advisor and another member of the advisory committee must be received in the Office of the Program in Biology and Medicine (402F Hutchison Hall) by February 28 of the year in which the degree will be awarded. The thesis must be received by the members of the advisory committee by April 15 of the year in question. The result of the examination must be communicated in writing to the UPBM Office by the first week in May.