EES 217 -Physical and Chemical Hydrology


HW 1

HW 2

HW 3 

Due: Feb. 25

HW 4

HW 4 Hints

Due April 2

Exam 1 Review

Exam 2 Review: April 28

Exam 2 Review

Final Project Review: April 23

Final Project: Copper, Chrome and Arsenic (CCR)


Lecture Presentations:

Lecture 1

.pdf     .ppt

Lecture 2&3

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Regional Aquifers

.pdf      .ppt

C14 Age Dating

.pdf      .ppt

Weathering (See Fetter for carbonate chemistry)

.pdf      .ppt

Carbonate Chem

.pdf      .ppt


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Nuclear Waste

.pdf       .ppt


Supplemental Reading:

EPA Drinking Water Standards

Cape Cod Paper

Alabama Coastal Aquifer

Alabama Nitrate Transport

Drever chapter 5:


Drever Chapter 8:

Redox Conditions

Soil Chemistry


Arsenic Paper

Iron Barrier  Dechlorination Remediation

Long Term Performance of Iron Barrier Remediation

Nitrate Barrier Remediation

EPA Report on Reactive Barrier Remediation

Stable Isotopes at Yucca Mountain




Lecture:  MW 4:50 - 6:05 pm CSB 209


Instructor:  Robert J. Poreda

Office:  Hutchison Hall, Room 224

Office Hours:  Tuesday/Thursday 4-5 pm, or by appointment

Phone: x5-0051; email:


Teaching Assistant: Zoë Harrold (and Tom Darrah)

Office: Hutchison Hall, Room 201

Office Hours: Monday/Wednesday 3-4:30 pm, or by appointment

(Please email me if you plan to attend office hours so I can make sure I am in room 201)

Phone: x5-8691; email:


Course Description: EES 217 provides a foundation in both qualitative and quantitative analyses of the dynamic interaction between water and geologic media. The first part of the course outlines the formation of water, atmospheric processes and the hydrologic cycle. The second part focuses on the theory and geologic controls on groundwater flow. The third and final part of the course deals with natural groundwater geochemistry and environmental contamination and remediation.


Grade Breakdown: Exam 1 (25%) + Exam 2 (25%) + Homework/Quizzes(10%)  + Final Project (40%)


Exams:  Exams will consist of a series of short essay questions, with ample opportunity for partial credit.  The final project will be given before the end of class and must be completed by the end of finals period.

Exam 1:  March 7     Exam 2: April 30     Final Project Due: May 10


Required Text Book:  Fetter, Applied Hydrogeology 4th Edition.

Additional Resources:  Drever, Geochemistry of Natural Waters

                                       Domenico & Schwartz, Physical and Chemical Hydrogeology

                                       Faure, Isotope Geology

                                       Freeze and Cherry, Groundwater

                                       Mazor, Chemical and Isotopic Hydrology

                                       Stumm and Morgan, Aquatic Chemistry

                                       McBride, Environmental Chemistry of Soils