Hein Goemans

Hein Goemans

PhD, Chicago, 1995

Office Location
Harkness 337
Web Address
Office Hours
R 12:30-1:30pm


Fields: International relations, conflict, qualitative and historical research

His current major research revolves around territory, borders and homelands—in a nutshell: why are people willing to fight and die for this, but not that, piece of territory? His previous research examined the role of leaders in war termination and war initiation. Goemans has discussed his work on war termination in the context of the war in Ukraine in articles in The Economist (09/20/2023), The Atlantic (05/17/2023), The Washington Post's Monkey CageThe Inquiry, Cable News CBC, Euronews, Ejaz Haider's InFocus (Pakistan), CNN Portugal, France 24, TV3 Estonia, Welt, Kabel 1, CTV News Channel, TVBS-N Taiwan, SBS Australia, and print media such as The Financial Times, NRC Handelsblad, Algemeen Dagblad, Het Parool, Der Spiegel, Die Zeit and The New Yorker.

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